How my husband’s infidelity destroyed our marriage? | Short story about broken marriage
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How my husband’s infidelity destroyed our marriage? | Short story about broken marriage

No one doubts that infidelity is one of the reasons for the breakdown of a marital relationship right now. But how do you get over a bad breakup when infidelity in your marriage destroys your heart, destroys the relationship, and you lose the respect of your family, yourself and your friends because you are part of a relationship where cheating between the couple is the reason? of divorce? How do you as a woman react to the infidelity of your husband, someone you loved and trusted blindly? In this dramatic story, you could find part of the answer.

Story script About: How my husband’s infidelity destroyed our marriage, I lost my job and the respect of my friends?

When you have problems with your partner, as a woman, have the support of someone you can count, whether family friend, who supports you in the moments of crisis in your life, but also a person that you respect and admire, as could be the case of your best friend when you feel that the world around you is falling apart collapsing at your feet, you have lost hope or feel helpless in finding a solution for what you are going through at that moment, It’s something you’re looking for and any emotional support
from someone is necessary to overcome these difficulties.

We have to talk to someone when as woman, things did not go as expected and desperation is part of your life, which forces you to make decisions that you never crossed your mind, when you thought you had found the ideal man, that every woman dreams of. But, everything changes, when you discover that the man you love so much, the center of your life, is cheating on you with another woman.

As a woman, what would be your reaction when you discover that your husband was being unfaithful to you with another woman? I could say that it is the central plot of this tragic story that I am telling you at this moment. But this short story of a woman who was cheated on by her husband with another woman, is something much more than that, that’s why I invite you to listen to it until the end to understand what I’m talking about.

My name is Barbara, I am 28 years old. I work as an architect in the design area of one of the largest design and construction companies in the city. i Have 4 years of marriage with my husband, his name is Alexander, he is 33 years old and works as a structural quality inspector in the same company. Our marriage, like Every relationship had its good moments and also its bad moments, but how I learned to understand my husband, but also to avoid unnecessary arguments to preserve peace in the relationship, It was something I was good at doing..

Between my husband and I, whether as a result of the type of work we both had, which demands a lot of our time, you could say that we spent a lot of time together, because We were working in the same company, but at the same time we were separated by the type of work we both did, which demanded a lot of our time.

When we got married, having children was not part of our agenda, although I’m not going to lie to you, being a mother was one of the reasons I married him in the first place, butI always had the idea that I could change my husband’s mind. But time showed me that I was wrong, because for my husband his work was the most important thing in his life, not being part of a family with children.

As a woman, the desire to have children was part of my thoughts all the time, sometimes reaching the point of obsession when I saw other women my age holding the hands of their children, playing in the park or shopping at the supermarket.

During four years of being in the relationship, when I talked to him about being pregnant, he always told me that he, at that moment, didn’t feel emotionally ready to take on that responsibility, always promising that next year we could have it when we were more financially stable, since raising a child requires time, dedication and effort, something that we both could not offer at that time, according to my husband’s
belief. .

My husband was also the type of man who reacts aggressively when things don’t work out the way he wants, whether at home, but also at work and was the kind of man who is loving and kind when he wants something from you. Don’t have the slightest doubt, my husband was good at manipulating my emotions, imposing his thoughts on me, but also those of the people around him. My husband was good getting his way, even when I was right, making me feel like a stupid woman who didn’t know what I was talking about.

When we had any type of argument, he would become extremely upset, verbally abusing me using a loud hurtful words and aggressive tone of voice with a dirty vocabulary in the derogatory expressions used by him, sometimes making me feel insignificant, worse than a woman on the street. In short, my husband was a man with a temperament unpredictable, who constantly humiliated me and then begged me, asking for forgiveness, promising me that he would never happen again and, as always, acting like a fool
In love, who believed the words of a pathological liar and ended up forgiving everything that happened.

Our intimate relationship was a disaster in which for my husband Meeting his needs as a man was what mattered most to him, not to mention the times he treated me coldly when I approached him for a intimate moment with my husband in bed or feeling the affection of the man I loved. Many times I thought that he did it for fear of me getting pregnant, but I always Apart from being dissatisfied, I was left with something more, creating doubt in my mind about the reasons behind my husband’s behavior towards me lately.

Some of my co-workers sometimes suggested that he had the characteristics of a bipolar, emotionally unstable, narcissistic person who only thinks about himself all the time, reasons for which very little could be tolerated and some spoke negatively about him. But I, as a woman, foolishly In love, I defended him, justified her behavior and sometimes I insinuated that they were jealous of me, because my husband had chosen me, not one of them , although deep down I knew that they were telling the truth.

Some asked me: how could you put up with a man like my husband, so arrogant, rude and temperamental? My answers were always that he was the type of man that I loved, and assured them that he was trying to change. Many times, when I arrived at any place in the company, many co-workers stopped talk or remained silent about what they were talking about, as if they were saying something bad about me. It seemed that no one wanted to share the gossip that It was circulating in the offices and hallways of the company in which I and my husband were the center of attention.

For some reason, I had noticed lately how every woman, whether a product of a female intuition, or the change of some of my colleagues or co-workers In my presence, I could hear the gossip about me, from many of them behind my back and I also began to notice, without knowing why, many of them laughed when they were close to my presence, looking at each other, as if directing their gaze comment where I was.

There was so much spreading gossip behind my back that I made the decision to find out what was really happening with me or my husband, that my co-workers were treating me in such a mocking and disrespectful way towards me and even more so when everyone knew about my husband’s rude behavior towards the people who worked with him.

Everything changed when I found out that my husband was dating an ex-girlfriend of someone who worked at the same company where we both worked. with whom he had several nights of passion in a motel outside the city, according to the words of his lover. An open secret that everyone knew, except me.

How did I find out This secret that everyone knew about my husband except me? But a friend at work whom I had a lot of confidence in, after much insistence on my part, With an expression of sadness in her eyes, she confirmed to me that it was true about the rumors about my husband, who was cheating on me with another woman.

When I heard that from my best friend, about my husband’s infidelities, I felt destroyed inside, I began to feel anguish in my heart. Without noticing Tears came out of my eyes and the cry of a deceived woman took control of my emotions. At that moment I felt like the most miserable woman in the world.

How does a woman feel or react when she discovers that her husband is being unfaithful with another woman?

When my best friend noticed how I felt about what she was telling me, she hugged me trying to comfort me with words of encouragement, telling me that my husband didn’t deserve the tears that were coming out of my eyes. After learning the truth about my husband’s cheating with another woman, I felt like a devastated woman inside who fill It was worth nothing.

At that moment, when images of my husband sleeping with another woman came to my mind, I could not contain my indignation , which was turning into anger. I wished insult him for having been unfaithful to me, hit him for all the suffering he was causing in my heart and yell at him in front of all the co-workers for humiliate myself as a woman for cheating on me with another woman in front of everyone, without caring what others think, much less the woman who is being cheated on by an unfaithful man, who is telling you this very dramatic story right now.

Like a deceived woman, I lost my mind, I did not pay attention to the pleas of my friend, who asked me that this was not the place to establish a scene of a jealous woman for the infidelities of her man, to calm me down and take control of my emotions. I got up from the chair, walked towards the elevated, I could hear the words of me friend asking me please, act like a sensible woman and don’t let anger from jealousy control your emotions and do something that you might regret in the future.

But, I hated so much what my husband was doing behind my back, making me the center of ridicule from all my co-workers, which increased my feeling of anger and contempt towards him.

My husband’s office was several levels higher, a product of hatred, anger and the desire for revenge for everything I was suffering at that moment. I opened the door of the office where my husband was meeting with other coworkers, it seems that he noticed the furious attitude on my face.

He got up from the chair trying to stop me or to calm me down about what I was going to do or say, and at that exact moment, I slapped him in the face harshly with my right hand in front of all his coworkers to get even for all the humiliations, infidelities and emotional abuse that he had subjected me to since the day we got married..

My husband remained silent, listening to everything I was complaining about for having been unfaithful with another woman, for all the lies and humiliations for which I was going through at that moment. Without saying anything, heartbroken and ashamed of what he had done at that moment to me, I opened the doors of the Elevator.

I entered my office, took my bag, after the astonished rumor spread by the co-workers, which turned out to be true what he had done when I confronted my husband for cheating on me. Without speaking to anyone, walking with quick steps towards the elevator, everyone could notice and hear the cries of a woman who lost her husband, her marriage, her trust and respect of her friends, but also her work.

my husband's infidelity

As a result of the argument with my husband, I left the building facilities of the construction and design company, where I work, extremely feeling wounded as a woman, with my pride destroyed by what was happening to me at that difficult moment in my life, which I would not wish on my worst enemy. I felt anxious, nervous, stressed and confused; where Nothing made sense to me.

I felt an enormous weight that prevented me from breathing. For several minutes I cried inconsolably, wondering out loud: Why was this happening to me? I questioned myself to myself as a woman. What does that woman have that I don’t have? Why is my husband cheating on me with another woman? Where had I failed as a wife, as a woman and As a friend of my husband? They are questions without answers which were tormenting me at that moment.

With great effort I started the car engine. Looking through the rearview mirror I could see my husband walking towards where my car was parked. Without Thinking twice, I tried to leave the company parking lot when my husband stopped in front of my car for me to stop the vehicle, yelling at me loudly. Please listen to me! everything has an explanation: everything they had told me about him was lies, that I was the only woman in his life, that he only had eyes for me.

When I listened to my husband’s pleas, denying his cheating with another woman, I’m not going to lie to you, I didn’t lack the desire to throw the car up at him as revenge because of the pain he was causing in me by sleeping with another woman, but as a person, it was a type of action against another person, which I would regret all my life. When I realized what I was thinking of doing against my husband, I started crying again, because of the type of woman I was becoming, for the deceptions and lies of a man who never knew how to value a woman like me.

I don’t know how, or where I was able to calm down and take control of my emotions, I lowered the window of the driver’s door of the car, and said in a calm tone: Whether you cheated on me or not with another woman doesn’t matter anymore, from this moment on, forget that I’m your wife. My husband, when he heard what I told him, moved from the front of the car so that I could continue on my way, trying to get out of the parking lot.

As a woman, would you forgive your husband’s infidelity with a co-worker under your nose?

When I was driving on the way to the apartment, the minutes seemed like hours, and the streets and avenues were narrow, still had that feeling of heaviness in chest. I was trying to suppress that uncontrollable need to scream, because of what was happening to me at that moment, I lost my job, the man of my life and the people who knew me, and all because my husband couldn’t contain the urge to hook up with another woman.

When I entered the apartment, everything seemed Unknown, I felt like I was in the wrong place. I’m not going to lie to you, I felt like a stranger in my own home. For some reason, I could still feel that enormous pressure in my chest. I didn’t know whether to cry, scream or break everything around me, I opened my husband closet, to tear or throw all his clothes on the street, when suddenly I heard the phone ringing again and again, which increased my anger at that moment, throwing it to the wall.

Destroying it in several parts, despite that, the phone still continued to ring. Maybe because I was sure he was my husband, someone I saw, like everything around me, as a stranger. The man responsible for the pain that was consuming and destroying me inside.

There was so much anguish at that moment, I took out the married woman’s ring from one of my fingers, put it on the nightstand, opened my closet, took out the essential things that you need to travel. I placed everything in the back seat of the vehicle and stayed in a hotel in the city to calm down, take my time and think What was I going to do with my life.

In the hotel room where I was staying, I picked up the phone to call, trying to talk to one of my best friends of the University. I’m not going to lie to you, while I was talking to my friend for several hours, which seemed like days, I told her everything that was going on with my marriage and the disastrous way it ended and the reason why.

My friend listened to me patiently and asked me; She yes she I have already stopped loving my husband? Which I replied that I didn’t know at that time, because she and I didn’t trust him anymore.

She also asked me; If I was really determined to leave my husband, or was just a tantrum that every woman has when she discovers that her man is cheating on her with other woman? I replied no to her. It was a type of feeling that had been in me for years, but I didn’t want to admit that there was a problem
in the relationship because of the type of my husband’s insensitive and toxic temperament. In the end she told me that whatever my decision, she would support me in everything.

As soon as the conversation with my best friend ended, the urge to cry disappeared and that pressure in my chest that was not letting me breathe began to decrease. The next morning, when I woke up, tranquility returned to my life, and I began to see in me the woman who I had always been before marrying the wrong man. A man who at the first opportunity cheats on me with another woman.

Laura is the name of my best friend, a woman who cried with mi in the most difficult moment of my life because of what I was going through, as a woman deceived by a man who only thought of himself.

Laura, apart from opening her heart, listening to the problems of a marriage broken by infidelity, lies and manipulation of a man, who said that he loved me, she also offered me a place to live while I resolved my separation issues from my husband through divorce. After talking to my best friend, I have a long way to go, because my friend, a fellow University student, lives in another state with her boyfriend and a small child from a previous relationship and I have to drive 12 hours to get to my friend’s house and try to continue living my life as a divorced woman.

Ladies and Gentleman, If you came this far,? Thank you so much! How will this story of a man who cheated on his wife with another woman end? What was the reaction of my husband, when he came home and didn’t find me? Why did I never look for the signs when my husband was being unfaithful to me with another woman? Why did I end up falling in love with my best friend’s boyfriend? In a future video on this same channel. I will tell you a update on the story I just told you. If you are one of the people who likes stories of unfaithful men and women, broken marriages and manipulators men or women, this type of story could be for you.

Thank you very much for listening to it.

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