What is the true story of a woman who cheats on her husband with so many men that now she doesn’t know who the father of the children is?
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What is the true story of a woman who cheats on her husband with so many men that now she doesn’t know who the father of the children is?

Why does a man allow or not care that his wife, mother of several children, cheats on her husband with other men and does not care what he thinks? It is a story of a woman who only thinks about herself, she does not care about the emotional well-being of the children, but she also does not care about her man, her family and also about herself. A type of psychological drama, you will learn a lot by knowing this dramatic story.

A type of woman who dated so many men that now she doesn’t know who is the father of the children. It is a toxic story of a couple who cheat on other couples, a woman who is unfaithful to her husband with any man she takes to bed.

From my point of view, it is the type of dramatic story with an emotional plot where the emotional immature of the actors involved, both the man and the woman, reveals how the consumption of prohibited drugs by a woman, mother of two small children, one from a previous marriage and another who was born with mental, emotional or motor development problems, would affect this infant child throughout the child’s life. It is the result of negligence by both parents against the general well-being of the children involved in this story of dysfunctional marriages.

Another element that we must consider when listening to this story of emotional abuse and parental apathy towards children, which, from my point of view, is a type of psychological drama where the passive behavior of the husband, the codependent behavior of the husband, and the compulsive sexual behavior of the wife in her need to seek pleasure, type the behavior It’s an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors that can’t be controlled, regardless of the negative consequences associated with infidelity, are the reasons why this type of marital relationship is destined to fail from the beginning.

Many people say that right now, there are many problems in any type of marriage. Some will say maybe it is because of social networks, women have more freedoms, there is a change in the role of a woman in the relationship, or many women work and cannot spend time giving a good quality As a wife but also a mother. These are different types of situations that create great challenges for marital relationships at this time, and even more so when infidelity is behind the breakup of a marriage.

Could these be some of the reasons why a woman cheats on her husband with other men?

As is the case with a type of story full of emotional conflicts where lying is pathological, the mental problems of one of the couples are evident in their behavior, a dependent spouse who does not face reality; deception between a couple is the norm; a woman who is emotionally unavailable to her husband and neglects the children.

A type of woman who, as a result of wanting to satisfy her sexual needs, had a promiscuous life in which she made love with any man she considered attractive, all because this woman was addicted to sex. In this story of a broken marriage, women are manipulators, dysfunctional families exist, and an emotionally dependent man, with low self-esteem does not know what his role was in the marriage. A type of relationship where the woman wore pants and the man wore a skirt.

Was that emotional weakness of her husband the reason why she cheated on him with other men? Perhaps the correct answer is yes. But listening to this woman’s story of verbal and emotional abuse against her husband could be part of the answer, where the circle of domestic violence in the relationship, more than a cause of the conflict, could only be part of the symptom of much deeper problems that both of them have and you don’t want to admit it.

A type of man who did not have the courage to confront a bad woman who did not respect him and neglected the children. A type of man who, even knowing that the woman was drunk and sleeping with other men, did nothing; on the contrary, he defended his wife’s antisocial and immoral behavior, reasons why she did not know who her father was. With her last child, she gave birth prematurely in the hospital due to her neglect as a mother by not taking the necessary precautions that a pregnant woman should take.

A woman was also addicted to prohibited substances, which brought problems to one of the children who was born with developmental problems—problems speaking, walking, and eating, but above all, the baby, apart from being born prematurely, was also born addicted to the drugs that the mother consumed when she was pregnant. A woman who consumed alcohol, smoked marijuana and consumed drugs considered illegal, in short, was a drug addict, using the correct word.

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, Many people don’t understand why or how other people become addicted to drugs, as is the case with the woman you are listening to this story of infidelity.

They may mistakenly think that those who use drugs lack moral principles or willpower, and that they could stop their drug use simply by choosing to. Experts knowledgeable on this topic conclude that, In reality, drug addiction is a complex disease, and quitting usually takes more than good intentions or a strong will.

Drugs change the brain in ways that make quitting hard, even for those who want to. Is the consumption of a prohibited substance responsible for the promiscuous behavior of a woman who cheats on her husband with other men? Maybe by listening to this family psychological drama, you could find the answer.

Do not have the slightest doubt that every time a man cheats on his wife with another woman or a woman cheats on her husband with another man, the family drama behind this type of emotionally toxic relationship where the lack of respect for your partner’s feelings does not exist is something that is always filled with an emotional charge for the person who cheats but also for the person who is being cheated on in the romantic relationship.

Is drug use the reason why a wife neglects the children, cheats on her partner with other men?

It is something that, knowing a little about the negative effects of any type of addiction, there may be many possibilities and when that need to consume a prohibited substance as a way to get money to pay for that vice could be one of the motivations why the main characteristic of Dramatic story that you are listening to involves cheating on her husband with other men to support her habit.

You who are listening to this story about infidelity should know that addiction is a chronic disease characterized by the search and use of drugs, mostly considered prohibited and harmful to the human organism, which may or may not be consumed compulsively or be difficult to control, despite their harmful consequences.

I believe that the initial decision to use drugs is voluntary for most people at first, but repeated use of mind-altering drugs can cause brain changes that challenge an addict’s self-control and interfere with his or her ability to control drugs. Resist the intense urges to consume drugs of this type that are damaging not only his brain but also the way he sees himself and also negatively affect family members, especially children, especially the little ones, who do not understand the lack of affection of Mother.

Something that we must understand is that the story told here is the story of thousands of families, no matter what racial group we are talking about, who are going through the same situation. We must accept that there is no such thing as a perfect father, but in dysfunctional families, home problems are ignored or denied, and the consumption of any type of prohibited substance aggravates them. Children who dare to raise these issues may be shamed or punished, leading them to deny their own perceptions of reality and suffer from low self-esteem.

One or both parents could suffer from a substance use disorder, a personality disorder or a mood disorder that negatively influences the development of the children, and the addicted parent could neglect the children. Let’s talk about emotional and physical abuse sometimes, the adults in these families have authoritarian parenting styles of imposition towards adolescent children as a form of control, or they have a toxic and abusive relationship with each other.

In other cases, the parents are emotionally immature or unavailable, trapped in addiction to work, shopping, gambling, excessive eating, adulterous affairs or other activities that add to the consumption of any type of drug. The behavior of a father or mother who does not attend to the emotional needs of the children is one of the reasons that brings a lot of conflict within the family, as is the case with the dramatic story that we are telling you at this moment.

When you listen to this dramatic story about dysfunctional marriages you could come to the conclusion that the reasons why the woman cheats on her husband with other men is just a behavioral symptom of a situation so deep in this family history that very little could be understood but knows the family dynamics behind the wife’s need to cheat on her partner with another man, where the children in the end are the most harmed by the irresponsibility of both parents.

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